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Mark Joseph

A new Soroptimist Club in American Canyon

I was happy to attend the Charter Installation of the newest Soroptimist International (SI) Club--here in American Canyon! Held at the Clubhouse at the new Canyon Ridge Apartments, well over 50 people were in attendance, including all of the City Council, and Fifth District Supervisor, Belia Ramos (also a charter member). New SI President, Kristen Einberger, announced the club would focus on two issues: Bullying and Senior Isolation and Poverty.

The Club also installed their first Board of Directors: along with President, Kristin Einberger, was Vice-President, Susan Korcz; Co-Treasurers Anne Payne and Pam Chappell; Co-Secretaries Denise Mortimore and Anne Garner; and Social Media Coordinator, Kasama Lee.

Congratulations to the new Club! Hope to see you in service throughout American Canyon!


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