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Mark Joseph

I'm Running for Mayor!

Today, I pulled papers to run for Mayor of American Canyon.

Cheryl and I care about this community and have for over 25 years. I served as Finance Director, City Manager and ten years as your Council member. Active in the community, I believe American Canyon is a great place to live and raise a family.

But it struggles with the big issues--important issues like traffic, business development and climate change. We need to reinvest in our older communities and operate the City in a more business-like fashion.

I believe American Canyon needs a new kind of Mayor--one that looks towards the future in order to avoid problems and take advantage of opportunities. A Mayor that offers specific plans and proposals. A Mayor that gets things done.

Now in this pandemic, traditional campaigning has been thrown out the window! For example, I would normally host a Pizza Party to get my nomination signatures--that's not an option. So I am asking everyone who wants to support me to send me an email ( and I will make arrangements.

Over the next 4 months, I will be sending out blogs outlining my position on the critical issues in this race, as well as highlight campaign activities (virtual or otherwise!). I hope you will sign up to receive these posts.

For more information, go to my website: or my Facebook page:

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