Due to Covid-19, we can't have a traditional kick-off event, complete with wine, appetizers, music and raffles. But we can get pretty close virtually.
On Thursday, September 10, starting at 6:30pm, we will host a campaign kick-off zoom event. We will have music by Clarence Mamaril (who will play my campaign song--can you guess what it is??). We're working on a way to sell opportunity drawing tickets online; and there will be plenty of time for Questions and Answers--if any of you want to know more about my campaign or stand on the issues, this is the time!
You will be able to donate online (it is a fundraiser, after all!) and you can request yard signs. We'll talk about upcoming candidate forums and other campaign news.
As a virtual meeting, we won't have any refreshments. But you can help out our local restaurants by ordering takeout and then eating dinner before or during the Event.
There's no charge to join--just click here to register. You will need a zoom account to join the meeting.
For more info, go to our website: www.electmarkjoseph.com or email me at electmarkjoseph@gmail.com.