Learning about the candidates is the most important job for a voter. Candidates should make it as easy as possible, of course--that's why you see our signs around town, we knock on your doors, we send you mailers!
But a great way to learn about us is to watch us in action--which candidate knows the subject matter the best; who can answer questions directly, without a lot of generalizations; who offers new and interesting ideas and solutions to problems.
None of us are perfect and you may like some parts of our views and not others, but in a candidate forum, you can usually figure out who has the most experience, is best qualified and has a clear vision of what's needed to do the job.
With that in mind, here are the links to the two candidate forums for City Council: the Chamber's forum, held Thursday, September 29; and the League of Women Voters forum, held Monday, October 3. The links have not been edited for brevity or to make one candidate look better than the other. Also, on the LWV forum, you get a detailed explanation of the two ballot measures--Measures J (Green Island Properties) and A2 (the School Bond)
You tell me which candidates are the best for American Canyon. Or just fill out your ballot and we'll find out on November 8!!